Workflow for adding 4D seismic data in history matching
The National IOR Centre of Norway, ensemble-based history matching, 4D seismic data, reservoir engineeringSynopsis
In this document we present a workflow for ensemble-based 4D seismic history matching. Ensemble-based history matching has become standard for production data, but 4D seismic data poses a number of additional challenges. One issue is that the amount of data is considerably larger, but another, probably more complicating factor is that for utilizing the seismic data, either the seismic data must be inverted to properties that is included in the reservoir simulation model, or a seismic response must be modeled, given the current estimate of the reservoir properties. This leads to a number of choices on how to utilize the information of the 4D seismic data. We will discuss this, as well as point to approaches for handling large amounts of data in ensemble-based history matching. The developed approach has been applied on the Norne field and is currently being evaluated at the Ekosk field.
This document is primarily addressed to reservoir engineers and researchers that are working on history matching 4D seismic data, but it might also be of interest to those working with 4D seismic data from a geophysical perspective. After all, 4D seismic history matching should be viewed as an interdisciplinary subject. Although, our focus has been on ensemble-based
history matching, some of the choices that have to be made in utilizing 4D seismic data is independent of the actual method used for history matching.
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