Environmental impact of EdTech: The hidden costs of digital learning


Sofije Shengjergji; Anna Luzai; Stefanie Mills; Parker Van Nostrand; Anna Lindroos Cermakova; Natalia Ingebretsen Kucirkova


EdTech, educational technologies, digital learning, environmental impact, environmental consequences, energy consumption


The report "Environmental Impact of EdTech: The Hidden Costs of Digital Learning" highlights the often-overlooked environmental consequences of the expanding Educational Technology (EdTech) sector. While EdTech is frequently associated with reducing paper usage and promoting remote learning, the report emphasizes the significant environmental costs linked to the production, consumption, and disposal of digital devices. Key challenges include the energy consumption of data centers, the carbon footprint of AI-driven technologies, and the growing issue of electronic waste, which disproportionately impacts vulnerable communities.

The authors advocate for integrating sustainability into the EdTech ecosystem by adopting environmentally conscious practices in both hardware and software development. By summarizing a large set of research and grey literature, the authors stress the importance of evaluating EdTech's carbon footprint, using renewable energy sources, and developing eco-friendly content that educates learners about environmental issues. The report also calls for collaboration across sectors and the need for global standards and certifications to ensure that EdTech contributes to both educational excellence and environmental sustainability. By aligning digital transformation with green practices, EdTech can play a pivotal role in fostering a sustainable future.

Author Biographies

Sofije Shengjergji

Doctoral Student
Department of Education, Communication and Learning
University of Gothenburg

Anna Luzai

Master student
University of Oulu

Stefanie Mills

Senior Director
Technical Product Development
Digital Promise

Parker Van Nostrand

Project Director
Product Certifications
Digital Promise

Anna Lindroos Cermakova

Senior Research Associate in Corpus Linguistics and Sociomaterial Methodologies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Lancaster University

Natalia Ingebretsen Kucirkova

Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Faculty of Arts and Education
University in Stavanger


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October 2, 2024


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