Smart Water flooding: Part 2: Important input parameters for modeling and upscaling workflow
The National IOR Centre of Norway, smart water flooding, simulation toolsSynopsis
This document presents some guidelines on how to conduct numerical investigations of the physicochemical effects of Smart Water flooding on different length scales.
The National IOR Centre of Norway (NIORC) has developed several simulation tools. The objective of this report is to describe how three NIORC-developed simulation tools BADChIMP, IORCoreSim, and IORSim, can be used to investigate Smart Water effects on different length scales. We present which input parameters are needed by the simulation tools, and we discuss which processes these tools are suited to study.
When working with different length scales, one of the challenges is how to upscale results obtained from smaller scales, i.e., pore and core scale experiments or simulations, to the field scale. Here, three relevant questions are: 1) how far do the Smart Water effects propagate into a reservoir? 2) What is the effect of reservoir temperature on Smart Water behavior? 3) How is the oil release, observed on core scale, related to the oil production from a field?
This document targets research scientists planning to perform either pore scale simulations, core scale simulations, or field scale simulations for Smart Water studies.
The technical level of the document is targeting an industry engineer.
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