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Alexander L. Kielland, Ulykke, Minner, Politikere, Administratorer, Disaster, Memories, Politicians, AdministrationSynopsis
This book is volume 5 (in a collection of five works on memories from the Alexander L. Kielland oil platform disaster in 1980. The book includes memories of those who in some way or another were involved on the political, administrative and or support level or in some other capacity.
The memories are from either from interviews or memories written down by those who lost someone in the disaster. The interviewees have all read the interview transcripts, have sometimes altered them and made additions, and in a few cases have rewritten them to such an extent or themselves submitted their memories. In such cases, they themselves listed as authors. Other interview notes listed with the interviewer as author.
As interviews only is with Norwegians, we do hope to supplement this collection with additional memories from people in other countries. The administration of the oil and safety activity in the North Sea involves not only national of the North Sea countries, but also nationals of other countries such as USA.
The included list of references is a selection of archival sources as well as published sources related to the memories in this collection. More substantial bibliographies, as well as lists of archival sources, are included in Smith-Solbakken (2016) and in Smith-Solbakken and Weihe (2019). Further specialized publications focus on subjects such as post-traumatic stress disorders (Smith-Solbakken and Weihe, 2018) and grief (Weihe and Smith-Solbakken, 2012), and include additional bibliographies.
First edition was published 21st of June 2019. Last update: September 2022.